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HelloGoodbye, by Andrey Feldshteyn

HelloGoodbye is a wonderful single-panel cartoon by Andrey Feldshteyn.  Actually, I think "fine art" is a better description than "comic", as each panel is beautifully rendered.  The strip, as described by Andrey, is "the artist's attempt to fish out a myth from everyday junk."  Andrey is an award-winning cartoonist, and once you see his creations it's easy to see why.

Enjoy some fine examples of Andrey's work below, as well as a description of his creative process in his own words.

"Everything is starting from the idea. Naturally you have to write it down (draw it down) as soon as possible.  It is a gag cartoon thing:  1 sec, and it's gone.  Because your sketchbook is not always with you I finally decided not to have one.  So I make a sketch on any scratch of paper using any drawing tool I have at the moment, and then insert it to the binder.


"[This] is a sketch made with the Japanese brush-like marker.

"Keeping the liveliness of the first sketch - is every cartoonist's problem. For me it was solved as soon as I started live brushing, completely forgetting about penciling.  I could not imagine that it will give you almost a physical pleasure!  I make and make copies until the image will satisfy me.  Sometimes up to 10 copies (I'm not Hokusai or Picasso yet)! :)


"[This] is a first version, you can see traces of pencil, or ball pen.



"[These two examples] are pure live brushing.


"The final b/w version is assembled and processed in Photoshop, and it is very close to [the previous two pictures].  [Note:  this version is in electronic format only, consisting of the previous two paintings combined in Photoshop.]


"It is so easy to colorize in Photoshop, that you just cannot give it up. Finally I convert the drawing to jpg or gif format and go to web."


Another rough draft of a cartoon panel by Andrey.


Cover of A Star Story minicomic by Andrey.


Go and see more of Andrey's incredible art by clicking on the link below!


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