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Earl Engleman

Below are 4 panels by Earl Engleman, dates and years unknown.  Nothing else is known about these panels.  There are some markings on the back of the art that may be indications of where (or if) they were published (see pictures on the right of the original art).  If anyone can tell me where these were published before, please let me know!



Panel by Earl Engleman, date and year unknown.  Nothing else is known about this panel.



Panel by Earl Engleman, date and year unknown.  Nothing else is known about this panel.



Panel by Earl Engleman, date and year unknown.  Nothing else is known about this panel.  This one may have been a Humorama piece, as the content is a little risqu�/font>



Panel by Earl Engleman, date and year unknown.  Nothing else is known about this panel.  This one may have been a Humorama piece, as the content is definitely adult-oriented.


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